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Is Within Reach

Positive Psychology with Marisela Ramos

Meet Marisela

Certified in Applied Positive Psychology

Hello! I am Marisela -- a mother, wife, student of life, change catalyst and positive psychology coach. 


Choose Happiness has been my motto for as long as I can remember. Living as a global nomad in support of my husband's career, I was constantly met with the challenge of starting a new life. Every couple of years, I left my treasured friends, family and community to â€‹try to find my place in unfamiliar cities and countries.


In the face of these challenges, I learned to remain positive through connecting with my inner self, those close to me, my physical environment, and the universe at large. It wasn't until 2015 that I learned these practices had a name and science behind them -- Positive Psychology.

Marisela Ramos: Positive Psychology

Pillars of Positive Psychology





Achievements and Vitality

Happiness is not the absence of problems -

It's the ability to deal with them.

Begin your journey today.

Media & Press

For those looking to learn more about positive psychology and the philosophy I teach, check out this interview I did for the Mexican publication El Semanario.

Spreading Positivity

one picture at a time

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